Monday, August 18, 2014

The Childhood Project: Eleven

Drawing: Me Idea: Me Poem: Me

Aged eleven, she lost her pride.
Oh she just wants to hide,
Hide all the pain away,
Carry on the holiday.

Her tears are gold,
At least thats what she was told.
You are strong, so strong,
You must carry on.

Carry on the holiday.

Fairy lights,
Christmas tree,
Snowman reaching heights,
T'was fifteen past three.

Carrying a shield,
She thought she was safe.
He ripped it apart,
She lost her faith.

But carry on, carry on,
Carry on the holiday.
You are strong, so strong,
Just forget this day.

So sorry this was a day late! I worked until late yesterday night and couldn't post anything!
Thanks for reading! :)

~Mariann Waters *

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Midweek Doodle: Self-Portrait

Drawing: Me Idea: Me

Im lacking serious inspiration these days so sorry, no poem for today (U__U)
Im working on this sunday's post, The Childhood Project but I really hope I can have something decent for you guys! argh! Art is no easy thing~

I gotta go back to work! The drawing for the project isn't whats really difficult for me, its really just the writing part! But I'll figure something out :3

Stay tuned! xx

Mariann Waters *

Sunday, August 10, 2014

The Childhood Project: Ten

Drawing: Me Idea: Me Writing: Me

A girl age ten, looking in the mirror, 
realizing that if they didn't hear it, everything would be fine.
Life would continue its course and none of this would happen.
''Im just a faker'',she tells herself. 
Nothing of this is real. Nothing of this has to be real.

She speak softly, ''they don't need to hear it''. 
She prays sweetly, ''please, don't make me say it''. 
I'll forget, as years go by, 
and everything will be fine.

Im too weak to speak.
My voice is too soft.
They won't believe me.
They never do when i talk.

Im only ten,
my problems are not valid.
They're not real,
because im only ten.

I know nothing,
because im only ten.
I should listen to him,
because im only ten.

Im only ten! 
So many good things yet to come
 Im just a faker right? 
So nothing of this is real. 

~Mariann~                                               Thanks for stopping by! :)

Monday, August 4, 2014

Would you Follow Me?: Alice

Drawing: Me Idea: Unknown, found on Google Poem: Me

Would you follow me,
If you knew you could fall
In my deepest wounds?

Would you follow me,
Only to the sound of I Love You?

Will you kiss my scars,
Hug me tight,
And never let me go?

Because if so,
I'll follow you.

Saturday, August 2, 2014

The Childhood Project: Nine

Drawing: Me Idea: Me Poem: Me

You said, Liar liar,
I would never!

And she cried,
And cried,
And cried.

How can you not find yourself guilty?

When a girl age nine,
Look you deep in the eye?

Drawing took about 6 hours using china ink and  goldfaber HB pencil.

~ Mariann Waters ~

If you share this image, please include the source, thank you!

Friday, August 1, 2014

Rock Solid Heart: Medusa

Drawing: Me Idea: John Howe Poem: Me

If I could've
Turned you to stone,

To Showcase what
You were made of,

I wouldn't have waited
A second.

Years ago, we would've heard, 
Only the drumming song
Of you rock solid heart.

First things First, Welcome!

I'd like to welcome all of you who had the kindness to stop by this brand new blog!

It will be dedicated to my creations, ideas, discoveries, and trials through art. Thank you in advance to those who will stick by and give me your honest opinions.

Before you go any further, I want to inform you that some of these drawings, paintings, and whatnot, will not always be my own creations. Some of them will be copies. Not because I wish to steal the works of others, but mainly because I wish to get better in the field and I love to learn from other, more experienced artists.

I will always let you know below the pictures when the art will be my own creation. But they will always be drawn by me.

Without further notice, Enjoy the view!

Mariann Waters